Other Areas in My Padded Cell

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Week into the New Year

Well, it's been a week since the New Year began and so far, I've only ignored one of my New Year's Resolutions. I think that's pretty good, considering it's me.

My writing has been pretty productive this week. Could I have been more prolific? Absolutely, but overall I'm fairly happy with my results. I've blogged twice this week, as you can plainly see, and I'm plugging away at the start of my novel, 'Rescuing A Towered Prince.'
I've hit a bit of a snag with my book though, not a major one by any means, but a snag nonetheless. To prologue, or not to prologue? That is the question. I've heard that prologues are passe, and that people don't want to waste time on one when they could be reading the first chapter. So, should I change my prologue into chapter one? Hmmm, I can see already that I have difficult decisions ahead of me. I would greatly appreciate any opinions on the subject. Yay or nay to prologues?

My reading is going well. I'm still trying to finish The Plums of P.G. Wodehouse, which I am still thoroughly enjoying. I have to stop dilly-dallying around though, because my list of books to read is beginning to grow at an alarmingly rapid pace. I have borrowed a book from my Grandmother that I'll start as soon as P.G's done, and I also have A Writer's Guide to 2011 to read. Preferably this time I'll finish reading it before 2011 ends. Plus all the countless books lying around that I've started but haven't finished. Yes, regretfully, I am one of those readers who starts a book, gets bored, starts another book, gets halfway through, and starts yet another.

As for my mandolin practices . . . uh, what mandolin?
Okay, this is the resolution that's taken a back burner to other things. So don't look for my CD very soon. I'm going to make time to practice though . . . someday . . . eventually.

Well, that's been my week. How are your New Year's Resolutions going? If you'd like to share, or would like to express your opinion on prologues, leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you!

Oh, and for those of you who love a good crime story, my Grandmother is now writing a blog called Mystery & Me. She's going to start critiquing mystery books. If you would like to check it out: mysteryandme.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are off to a good start with the New Year. I'm not weighing in on the prologue/or not to prologue question because you know I love a good. . .we won't mention the word.

    Thanks for the blurb about my blog. Hope anyone dropping by will stop and visit.
