Other Areas in My Padded Cell

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bleeding Brakes/Toning Thighs

"All right, pump the pedal . . . keep pumping . . . Now hold . . . keep holding. . ." For anyone who has ever had the good fortune to be the pedal pumper while bleeding brakes, I'm sure this sounds somewhat familiar. A few days ago, I, being the only lucky person who wasn't busy at the time, helped my Grandfather bleed brakes. It was the my first brake bleeding experience, and let's just say by the time I crawled out of the car, I was wondering if it would be less painful to simply saw my legs off with a butter knife. Talk about a leg exercise and a half! That's when a brilliant idea came to me; I could open a business. A brake bleeding, leg toning business. I think it would be very successful, bring in your old car, bleed the brakes, tone your thighs. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think you might be on to something there, Ana. May have to connect with a brake mechanic, but it's worth a shot.
